S.O.S: Steps to Resolve A Conflict (cont'd)
Begin with the Big Cs:Calm Down Cool-Off Chill-Out
Remember to: |
Find a good time and place to talk. -Acknowledge feelings. |
Listen to what the other person is saying. -Avoid the blame game. |
Focus on the problem-not the person. Get all of the facts. |
1. Both people agree to talk about the problem and follow ground rules: |
-One person talks at a time. |
-No interrupting. |
-No name-calling or put-downs. |
-Be honest. |
2. One person tells his/her side of the story, using "I" statements to say how they feel. |
3. The other person restates what the first person said (e.g. "What I hear you saying is...") and may ask questions to clarify understanding. |
4. Now, the second person tells his/her side of the story, including "I" statements. |
5. The first person then restates what the other person said and may ask questions to clarify understanding. |
6. Agree on what the problem is. |
O - OPTIONSBrainstorm options with both people suggesting possible solution options (e.g. "Well, how about ..."). Remember no evaluating - all suggestions are accepted at this point and written down.
S – SOLUTION 1. Evaluate options. Look for options that are safe, fair and will work for both people. 2. Choose a solution where both people can be winners. 3. If it doesn't work, get back together and discuss other options. 4. If this doesn't work and there is still a problem, ask someone for help.
Developed by Gayle Hines and Vinia Roberts, Park Layne Elementary School. Based on "Steps to
Resolve a Conflict," Community Board Program, Inc.