The Customs of Tu B'Shvat



Learn about the customs of Tu B'Shvat. Click here.
To learn more Read here.

1. What are the customs of Tu B'Shvat?

2. Which are the fruits we use for the Seder ?

3.  Which blessing should you say before eating a "new fruit"?
Click here to read.  

4.  What do we calculate on Tu Bishvat? Read here.


The Tu B'Shvat Seder

Tu B'Shvat Seder

Kabbalistic Tu B'Shvat Seder

5. What is the difference between the Pessach Seder and the
Tu Bishvat Seder in the colour of the wine? (look here under no.6 wine).

6.  Which fruits are needed for the Tu Bishvat Seder?

7. What is your favourite Tu B'Shvat custom?

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